Key IVR implemented WhatsApp to our messaging channels as a way of improving cost efficiency for sending larger text messages. At present, any SMS over 160 characters will charge for two text messages rather than one, increasing the cost of any descriptive campaign. WhatsApp diminishes this, by only sending one message and accommodating for the ability to send picture messages.
Additional Outbound Capabilities with WhatsApp
Outbound messaging campaigns sent via SMS will automatically detect if the recipient has a linked WhatsApp account, sending them a message within the app. This potentially increases the exposure for the campaign, reaching customers using the WhatsApp mobile app, or WhatsApp Web on a desktop or laptop PC.
Additionally, as WhatsApp uses a data connection, your campaigns can reach recipients when they don’t have an active mobile network connection, but are connected to the internet. This is perfect for any organisation wanting to engage further with their audience, whilst not being constricted to email or print marketing.
This added functionality will be a welcome addition to clients of our Click-to-Pay solution, that use Outbound messaging to send a personalised payment URL to each recipient. This launches a pre-filled payment web page for customers to conveniently complete with card details.