Client Success Story:
McCarthy Stone

Old People Happy
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Services & sector

Senior Living

Retirement homes and housing options for older people who want to remain independent or can no longer live in their own homes.

About McCarthy Stone

McCarthy Stone is the UK’s leading developer and manager of retirement communities, offering high quality age-exclusive retirement properties to more than 22,000 customers across the UK.

For all communities opened since 2010, they remain as the landlord and managing agent, looking after the wellbeing of their homeowners and managing their properties.

The requirement

McCarthy Stone were looking for a simple solution to allow homeowners and their family members to pay for the guest accommodation available at their developments. The payment system would be in addition to their existing telephone payment line, offering a quick and convenient alternative way to complete transactions.

The solution

Key IVR initially approached McCarthy Stone with various options to assist with their payment needs. After discussing their requirements and working together to determine the best fit for their organisation, the project quickly progressed into the build of a PCI-DSS Level 1 compliant secure Click-to-Pay service.

Employees at McCarthy Stone can send homeowners or family members personalised SMS or emails containing unique payment links. This takes them to a simple online payment page where they can complete transactions for the guest accommodation. Most of the information is prefilled, so the customer only needs to input card details to complete the payment.

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The outcome

McCarthy Stone can now offer a simple payment option to their communities that works on all web browsing devices – smartphones, tablets, laptops, or desktop PCs. They can quickly generate new Click-to-Pay messages as and when they need to, then monitor payments as they are processed – all through a dedicated dashboard.

“Following the implementation of Key IVR’s Click-to-Pay solution, feedback has been very positive and welcomed by our communities and their family members.

The portal is excellent and easy to use, offering a much simpler and secure payment service than asking them to complete payments over the phone. Working with Key IVR has been very straightforward, providing us with a solution that we could also scale up in the future if we choose to.”

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Camilla Nicholson
Project Manager
McCarthy Stone

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