Client Success Story: CREATE Fertility

Learn how Key IVR worked closely with CREATE Fertility to deliver two self-serve options which drastically reduced the amount of human interaction required when processing payments. Both solutions were PCI-DSS level 1 compliant and accessible 24/7/365 days a year.

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Client Success Story: McCarthy Stone

Client Case Study News Banner McCarthyStone

McCarthy Stone were looking for a simple solution to allow homeowners and their family members to pay for the guest accommodation available at their developments, in addition to their existing telephone payment line.

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Key IVR Innovate with Bottomline to Introduce New Alternative Payment Options

We are delighted to announce that, through our partnership with Bottomline Technologies, Key IVR will now be adding Direct Debit and Pay Direct (electronic funds transfer) to our extensive range of payment channels.

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Top 4 Reasons Why Web Chat & Social Media Payments Matter

Reaching out to organisations across web chat and social media is becoming a common part of the average customer’s shopping experience. It can be a lucrative sales channel as they may have specific questions about a product, would like more information about delivery, or have other queries that can ultimately lead to an order.

Here are 4 reasons Web Chat and Social Media Payments are important for your organisation:

1) Meet Expectations & Improve Customer Satisfaction

In today’s technology driven era, consumers are increasingly more demanding, expecting reliable solutions and excellent customer service. Payments across web chat and social media channels fulfils their expectations as a quick and simple method. Additionally, it will increase customer loyalty and have a positive effect on your reputation.

2) Drastically Shorter Payment Process

If you’re able to complete the process during a web chat or social media engagement, there’s no reason to direct customers to an alternative payment channel. By gathering information from the conversation, agents have the ability to generate a direct link that customers can follow, allowing them to quickly and conveniently complete the transaction. No need for them to call a payment phone number, or re-input their order details, saving time for both the customer and organisation.

3) Increased Sales Opportunities

Organisations often face obstacles that deter the buyer from completing an order or going ahead with a transaction. Web chat is one method of reducing these risks and retaining sales. Studies show that 73% of customers find live chat to be the most satisfying way of communicating with a business, increasing the amount of convenience surrounding web chat, only improves their satisfaction.

Take a look here to see how web chat helped one well known Airline increase their sales via web chat: Virgin Soars on Customer Service Via Live Chat

4) Competitive Advantage with Convenient Payments

Meeting customer expectations with convenient and secure payment options over web chat and social media gives any business a competitive advantage. According to an Oracle survey, 80% of businesses are already planning to start using live chat in some way or another in 2020.


Want to know more about Web Chat and Social Media payments?

Key IVR’s secure platform allows businesses to take payments securely through a variety of engagement channels, including web chat and social media, without the need to change providers. Payments are secure to PCI-DSS Level 1 and sensitive information is never passed through an organisation’s systems.

Alternatively, call us on +44 (0) 1302 513 000 or email us at

Web Chat Payments: Safe, Convenient and Diverse

Ecommerce purchases have been on the rise for years, as technology and the convenience that online shopping brings plays a massive part in assisting people’s busy lifestyles. The only downside is the lack of human interaction when it comes to queries or assistance, and asking a quick question over email can often be seen as a time-consuming task.

According to a survey by Emarketer, 63% of customers agree that they are more likely to return to a website if there is a possibility of speaking with a representative via Live Chat. This fast paced method of interaction allows customers to get the responses they need promptly and in a conversational manner, without the need for formal emails or the frustration of lengthy queues on phone calls.

In order to further increase convenience, having the option to pay for products or services during a live chat and offering assistance along the way, dramatically improves customer experience.

But how safe is it?

In 2018 popular ticket vendor, Ticketmaster, was caught up in a data breach which effected their web chat function, hosted by Inbenta Technologies, where 40,000 records may have been exposed. An array of information, including names, addresses, email addresses, telephone numbers, payment details and Ticketmaster login details were all included in the breach, as attackers were able to intercept live chat conversations.

With statistics from Furst Person showing that 77% of customers won’t make a purchase online if the site they’re using doesn’t have a live chat option, some organisations are looking to offer a full purchasing experience within the conversation, allowing customers to pay there and then. But, it isn’t as straight-forward as it sounds, with some contact centres asking for full card details within the chat, unmasked and a far stretch from PCI-DSS compliance.

Various live chat programs allow for in chat payments to be taken safely and securely, with little risk to the customer. Although, there are some things to consider as this can often mean a large cost to the organisation for switching suppliers, the software may come with limited branding and features and it could even lead to a possible loss of customer data. Finding an appropriate solution that benefits both the customer and the organisation can sometimes prove difficult.

Providers of web chat software or plugins have dedicated development teams that can continue to add valued features and benefits to their platforms. This is great and allows for a lot of customisation and freedom to make the webchat software configured to work with a diverse range of business operations.

It’s due to the diverse capabilities of this software to work as efficiently as it can as a method of conversation, that enables Key IVR to work alongside them, integrating a payment method that focuses on security and safety for the customer. As a secure payment solutions provider, the focus can remain on ensuring card data is processed, stored and transmitted in a way that fully abides by the guidelines set by the Payment Card Industry Security Standards Council (PCI-SSC).

The need to change suppliers is taken out of the equation, with the ability to work alongside the current business operations and systems.

Key IVR’s ability to process payments through a live chat is very flexible, not only is it able to work with those conducted by an agent, but through artificial intelligence (AI) chats also. This works with the platform pulling through information provided by the customer to generate a secure link which, when clicked on, takes them to a secure payment page with pre-filled information fields for a quicker and easier process.

Find Out More

For more information on our diverse range of services, take a look at our Payment Solutions or contact a member of our team on  +44 (0) 1302 513 000 or email